

Medical Science and Technology Innovation Center

Release time: 2023-09-20 Click:

Medical Science and Technology Innovation Center

(Translational Medicine Research Institute)

The MedicalScience and Technology Innovation Center is a key construction project of Shandong First Medical University, serving as a large-scale research platform that supports the enhancement of the university’s research capabilities. Its long-term vision is to establish the largest medical and biological research platform in Shandong Province. The center adopts an internationally aligned annual salary system to attract high-caliber scholars and research teams from both domestic and international sources. With a streamlined and efficient management mechanism, it aims to create a public laboratory platform that provides research services. The center implements a performance evaluation mechanism of “tenure-track” to foster a healthy research competition, cultivate a positive academic research atmosphere, and explore new ideas and mechanisms for the development of research at the university.

The center implements a PI (Principal Investigator) responsibility system. Each PI has an independent laboratory and carries out work based on the disciplinedevelopment needs of the University (Academy), aligned with their own research interests. They have clear research tasks and goals, independently apply for research projects, and possess full autonomy in the management and utilization of personnel, finances, and resources. They also independently manage their research teams.

The Phase I of the Medical Science and Innovation Center covers an area of 20,000 square meters and has attracted over 70 PIs to conduct research in diverse fields such as biotechnology, life sciences, and new materials. It comprises a large-scale shared instrument platform, standard PI laboratories, clinical affiliated hospitallaboratories, as well as supporting facilities like cell culture rooms, decontamination rooms, leisure areas, conference rooms, and lecture halls. Currently, there are 38 sets of large-scale equipment in operation, including High-end polychrome Flow cytometer,photomicroscope, 3D bioprinting, mass spectrometers, and electron microscopes, with a total value of nearly 200 million yuan. These facilities are divided into sub-platforms such as microscopy characterization, analytical testing, tissue and pathology, cell analysis, experimental animal analysis, and ultrastructural analysis, which operate on the principles of open sharing and efficient management, serving researchers both within and outside the university. The large-scale shared instrument platform has attracted 848 registered users and provided services to over 6,000 individuals. In 2022, a total of 127 SCI papers were published, including articles in prestigious journals such as PNAS and Chemical Engineering Journal.

The Phase II of the MedicalScience and Innovation Center has a building area of 80,000 square meters and is planned to accommodate 200 PI laboratories. It includes a large-scaleshared instrument platform, public technical service platform, large-scale biobank, and P3 laboratory. The facility is equipped with various large-scale instruments, including cryo-electron microscopes, aberration-corrected electron microscopes, third-generation sequencing instrument, metabolic mass spectrometers,ImageStream X MarkⅡimaging flowcytometer, ultra-high-resolution two-photon confocal imaging systems, small animal three-dimensional live imaging system, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and more.

Contact us:NO.6699 Qingdao Rd., Jinan, Shandong, P.R.China 0531-59556066